Using F* to Formally Verify Programs

30 minute read


Formal methods are currently not widely embraced due to their perceived difficulty. However, the landscape is changing with the emergence of new technologies that make formal methods more accessible than ever before. F*, developed by Microsoft Research, is a groundbreaking functional language that combines dependent types and proof-oriented features. By bridging the gap between programming and proving, F* facilitates a gradual adoption of formal methods by software engineers. In this post, I will provide an introduction to the basics of F* and demonstrate how we can leverage its capabilities to verify a solution to a LeetCode problem. I can’t cover all the background material needed to understand F* in this post. I assume that you have some experience in a language like Haskell or OCaml.

This writing has three goals. First, I want to showcase how far formal methods have come. Second, there is not a lot of material discussing how to use formal methods, and particularly F*. I hope others are able to learn from my mistakes, and newcomers can pick up some proof-engineering strategies. Finally, I want to draw attention to some current pain-points for the sake of improving current formal methods research.

The F* tutorial has an editor you can interact with in your browser. You can follow along with these examples there, without downloading any additional software.


  1. Basics of F*
  2. LeetCode Problem
  3. Takeaways

Basics of F*

F* is a complex language, and I am but a journeyman. The purpose of this section is only to familiarize you, gentle reader, with enough F* to broadly understand this post’s verification efforts. If you are interested in learning more, check out the F* tutorial.


F* is inspired by ML languages. You can define simple functions like this:

let double (x: int) : int
    = x + x

This just defines a function called double that accepts an int as a parameter, and returns an int. Note that in F* int refers to a mathematical integer, not a fixed-size integer as in C. This means that the value of x can be arbitrarily large (small).

Note that we may want to define double like:

let double (x: int) : int
    = x * 2

But this simple definition won’t work because * is reserved by F* for constructing tuples. F* tells us this fact with an informative error message:

(Error 189) Expected expression of type "Type"; got expression "x" of
type ""

Instead, we have to import a definition that redfines * to refer to multiplication. We do this by opening a module. This definition works:

open FStar.Mul

let double (x: int) : int
    = x * 2

Dependent Types

In a dependently typed programming language, types are permitted to depend on values. Let’s consider the double example:

let double (x: int) : (result: int{result = x + x})
    = x * 2

We changed the return type of double to (result: int{result = x + x}). This is called a refinement type. This is a dependent type because the type depends on the value of x (as well as the return value of double). Note that there is nothing special about the name result – we just needed a name to refer to the return value of double in the refinement type. Any name would work.

Interestingly, notice that x + x is not syntactically the same as x * 2. F* is aware of the semantics of the * operator and the + operator, and automatically proved that x * 2 = x + x. This highlights the power of F*: Many facts can be proven with little effort.

Assertions and Tactics

In F*, assert statements check that a condition is true at proof-time (i.e., before the code runs). This is done by proving the condition asserted. Here is a simple example:

let _ = assert (true)

Of course, the proposition true is always provable (true is true).

Here’s an example of a proposition that cannot be proved:

let _ = assert (false)

This produces this error message:

(Error 19) assertion failed; The SMT solver could not prove the query. Use --query_stats for more details.

Of course false cannot be proved (false is never true).

These examples are rather boring. Let’s consider an example that uses more interesting pieces of logic:

let _ = assert (forall (x: nat) (y: nat) .
                y >= x ==> 
                    (exists (z: nat) .
                        y = x + z))

In more familiar logic, we’d write this as $\forall x, y . y >= x \implies \exists z . y = x + z$.

But if we try to verify our assertion with F*, it fails:

(Error 19) assertion failed; The SMT solver could not prove the query. Use --query_stats for more details.

Under the hood, F* uses the Z3 SMT solver to perform proofs. While Z3 is powerful, no theorem prover can automatically prove all theorems. Z3 appears stuck here. Let’s try adding hints to help Z3 get unstuck:

open FStar.Mul
open FStar.Tactics

let _ = assert (forall (x: nat) (y: nat) .
                y >= x ==> 
                    (exists (z: nat) .
                        y = x + z))
        by (
            let x = forall_intro () in
            let y = forall_intro () in
            let imp = implies_intro () in
                witness (`(`#y - `#x));
                dump "after witness"

We provide hints by using tactics, which are programs that manipulate proofs. Every proof has 1 or more goals, or statements that we need to show are true. Tactics use known facts to simplify goals. This example shows a few tactics:

  • forall_intro introduces the first variable quantified by forall to the set of known facts (i.e., the variable exists and has the specified type). As a really simple example, forall_intro transforms a goal like $\vdash \forall (x: \mathbb{N}) . x = x$ into $(x : \mathbb{N}) \vdash x = x$.
  • implies_intro adds the antecedent of an implication to the set of facts known to the theorem prover. To prove $\Gamma \vdash a \implies b$, it is sufficient to show $\Gamma, a \vdash b$.
  • witness helps us manipulate existence quantifiers. witness adds a term that shows an object with a given property exists. Here, our witness to the existential quantifier is y - x.
  • dump is an extremely useful tactic. It shows the current goals that need to be proved.

Dump shows us this message:

Goal 1/2:
(x: Prims.nat), (x'0: Prims.nat), (_: x'0 >= x) |- _ : Prims.squash (x'0 - x >= 0 == true)

Goal 2/2:
(x: Prims.nat), (x'0: Prims.nat), (_: x'0 >= x) |- _ : Prims.squash
(x'0 = x + (x'0 - x))

If you read these goals for a second, they should seem obviously true. F* is quite easy to use: If you think something is obvious, just stop talking and see if F* completes the proof:

open FStar.Mul
open FStar.Tactics

let _ = assert (forall (x: nat) (y: nat) .
                y >= x ==> 
                    (exists (z: nat) .
                        y = x + z))
        by (
            let x = forall_intro () in
            let y = forall_intro () in
            let imp = implies_intro () in
                witness (`(`#y - `#x))

In this case, it does.

LeetCode Problem: Capacity to Ship Packages Within D Days

The problem we’re going to solve and verify is the Capacity to Ship Packages within D Days problem. You’re given weights (an array of positive numbers representing the weights of items), and days (the maximum number of days you have to ship all the items). These items must be loaded onto a ship with a capacity of capacity. The challenge is to find the smallest value of capacity so that the number of days required to ship the items is less than or equal to days. Check out the LeetCode description for more details.

Solution Design

Clearly, the minimum capacity that might work is the maximum element of weights. For, if the capacity were any smaller, it would be impossible to ship the largest item. The largest capacity we should consider is the sum of the item weights. Any larger capacity is superfluous, since a ship with this capacity can already ship all the items in 1 day. The correct capacity is therefore somewhere in the range $[maximum\_element~ weights,~ sum~ weights]$.

The naive approach is to simply check every weight in this range. But this number could be quite large – for instance, when the number of items is large but the maximum weight is small. A smarter approach is to use binary search to find the correct capacity.

To be frank, I find that getting the bounds of binary search right to be a little tricky. For tricky loop bounds, I craft loop invariants to help me write the code. Let $min\_elt$ denote the smallest capacity that maybe could ship the items, and $max\_elt$ denote the largest capacity we should consider. We will maintain two key invariants:

  1. $\forall x . x < min\_elt \implies time\_to\_ship~ weights~ x > days$.

  2. $\forall x . x >= max\_elt \implies time\_to\_ship~ weights~ x <= days$.

Under these invariants, when $min\_elt = max\_elt$, the correct capacity to return is $min\_elt$ (or, equivalently, $max\_elt$).

Modeling the Problem in F*

Days to Ship Items Given a Capacity

Let’s start by computing the number of days it takes to ship items with weights weights given a capacity capacity. We’ll represent weights as a non-empty list of natural numbers. F* already provides a theory of lists, so we’ll use that.

module Capacity

open FStar.List
open FStar.List.Tot
open FStar.Tactics

let weight_list = (l:list nat{not (isEmpty l)})

The syntax list nat describes a list of natural numbers. We use a refinement type to specify that the list is non-empty.

Here’s a function definition that returns the number of days it takes to ship some items:

let rec max_elt (l: weight_list) : nat =
  match l with
    | [x] -> x
    | (x::xs) -> 
      let max' = max_elt xs in
        if x >= max' then x
        else max'

let rec days_to_ship' (weights: weight_list)
                      (capacity: nat{capacity >= (max_elt weights)}) 
                      (current_cap: nat) 
                      : (x: nat{x >= 1})
  match weights with
    | [x] -> 
      if x <= current_cap then 1
      else 2
    | (x::xs) ->
      if x <= current_cap then
        days_to_ship' xs capacity (current_cap - x)
        1 + (days_to_ship' xs capacity capacity)

let days_to_ship (weights: weight_list) 
                 (capacity: nat{capacity >= (max_elt weights)}) 
                 : (x: nat{x >= 1})
  = days_to_ship' weights capacity capacity

A few notes about these functions:

  • In F*, we must explicitly denote when functions are recursive by using the let rec syntax.
  • The match syntax performs pattern-matching. Inside of max_elt, [x] matches with a list containing exactly 1 item. The second match case (x::xs) matches with an item consed into any list. Note that these patterns are exhaustive since a weight list is non-empty. Also note that F* verifies this exhaustivity for us, automatically.
  • Notice the use of the refinement type on the capacity parameter. This is applying our earlier argument: The minimum capacity we can use to ship the items is the maxmium weight of the items.

Defining the Solution Function

Here’s the implementation of our solution function in F*:

let nat_sum (a: nat) (b: nat) : nat = a + b

let sum_of_weights (weights: weight_list) : nat = 
  List.Tot.fold_left nat_sum (hd weights) (tl weights)

let rec lemma_sum_of_weights_is_gte_max (weights: weight_list) :
  Lemma (ensures (sum_of_weights weights) >= max_elt weights)
  match weights with
    | [w] -> ()
    | (x::xs) ->
        FStar.List.Tot.Properties.fold_left_monoid nat_sum 0 xs;
        lemma_sum_of_weights_is_gte_max xs

let min_bound (weights: weight_list) : nat = max_elt weights

let max_bound (weights: weight_list) : nat = sum_of_weights weights

// Returns the minimum capacity necessary to ship all the items in `days` days.
// Note that we have to specify that we decrease the difference between max_cap and min_cap.
let rec ship_within_days' (weights: weight_list) 
                          (days: nat{days > 0})
                          (min_cap: nat{min_cap >= min_bound weights})
                          (max_cap: nat{max_cap >= min_cap})
                          : Tot (n:nat{n >= min_cap /\ n <= max_cap}) (decreases max_cap - min_cap)
    if min_cap = max_cap then
      let middle_cap = (min_cap + max_cap) / 2 in
      let total_days = days_to_ship weights middle_cap in
      if total_days > days then
        ship_within_days' weights days (middle_cap + 1) max_cap
        ship_within_days' weights days min_cap middle_cap

let ship_within_days (weights: weight_list) (days: nat{days > 0}) 
  : (n:nat{n >= min_bound weights /\ n <= max_bound weights})
  = lemma_sum_of_weights_is_gte_max weights;
    ship_within_days' weights 
                      (max_elt weights)
                      (sum_of_weights weights)

The heart of the implementation is ship_within_days', so we’ll start there. This is a fairly simple binary search implementation. Again, we’re just maintaining the 2 invariants discussed in the Solution Design subsection. Try to go through the logic and see why those invariants are maintained.

The first bit of new syntax we’ll discuss is the return type of ship_within_days'. It returns Tot (n:nat{n >= min_cap /\ n <= max_cap}) (decreases max_cap - min_cap). In F*, all functions must be total – meaning they must terminate. So, really, the type of double from earlier is

val double (x: int) : Tot int

But F* nicely writes Tot for us. Unfortunately, F* doesn’t know why the function ship_within_days' terminates. We explain it: Because max_cap - min_cap always decreases. F* can see that this statement is true, and then accepts our function as terminating. If we delete (decreases max_cap - min_cap) from our code, F* produces this error:

Could not prove termination of this recursive call; The SMT solver could not prove the query. Use --query_stats for more details.

This is our cue to add the decreases expression.

Our primary solution function is ship_within_days. There’s one bit of magic in it: The application of the lemma lemma_sum_of_weights_is_gte_max. This is required because we used a refinement type for max_cap that requires max_cap >= min_cap. Unfortunately, F* cannot automatically prove that (sum_of_weights weights) >= (max_elt weights), so type checking fails if we delete the application of the lemma:

Subtyping check failed; expected type max_cap: Prims.nat{max_cap >= max_elt weights}; got type Prims.nat; The SMT solver could not prove the query.

In general, F* cannot automatically prove propositions that require induction. But once we apply the lemma, F* can easily verify that the types are correct.

Now, let’s discuss our max_bound implementation for a moment. As we mentioned in the Solution Design, the maximum bound on the weights is just the sum of all weights. To sum the weights, we use the standard fold_left function that should be familiar to functional programmers. Note that we cannot write sum_of_weights like this:

// Error
let sum_of_weights (weights: weight_list) : nat = 
  List.Tot.fold_left (+) (hd weights) (tl weights)

This is because the type of + is int -> int -> int. While nat is a subtype of int, F*’s type checking algorithm does not induce int -> int -> int will produce a nat. To solve this problem, we explicitly define nat_sum.

Finally, lemma_sum_of_weights_is_gte_max procedes by induction. We use the Lemma (...) type because the function is a proof. In the case where this is exactly 1 item in the list, we produce the value (). This term has a type of unit. In F*, the type Lemma (ensures (sum_of_weights weights) >= max_elt weights) is really just a synonym for the type u:unit{(sum_of_weights weights) >= max_elt weights}. So, F* will automatically try (and succeed!) to show our lemma is true.

In the case when there is more than 1 item in the list, we first apply FStar.List.Tot.Properties.fold_left_monoid. This establishes the fact that nat_sum (x::xs) = x + nat_sum xs. The following line (lemma_sum_of_weights_is_gte_max xs) convinces F* that the lemma holds by induction. As an exercise: Look at lemma fold_left_monoid provides and consider why we didn’t use this definition:

// Error
let sum_of_weights (weights: weight_list) : nat = 
  List.Tot.fold_left nat_sum 0 weights

Proof of Correctness

There are two facts we want to prove:

  1. Our solution ships all the items within days days.
  2. Any capacity smaller than the one returned by our solution does not ship items within days days. I.e., our solution is minimal.

In fact, these statements are direct consequences of the 2 invariants we constructed in our design subsection. So, let’s start by writing these invariants in F*:

let min_bound_invariant (weights: weight_list) 
                        (cap: nat{cap >= min_bound weights})
                        (days: nat{days > 0})
  = forall (x : nat) . x >= min_bound weights /\ x < cap ==> days_to_ship weights x > days

let max_bound_invariant (weights: weight_list)
                        (cap: nat{cap >= min_bound weights}) 
                        (days: nat{days > 0})
  = forall (x : nat) . x >= cap ==> days_to_ship weights x <= days

Let’s also define the concept of minimality:

let is_minimal (w: weight_list) (c: nat{c >= min_bound w}) (days: nat{days > 0}) = 
  c = min_bound w \/ (c > min_bound w /\ days_to_ship w (c - 1) > days)

The proof follows from induction. We’ll start by drawing the outline of the proof, then fill in details until it is complete. To start the proof:

let rec lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days (weights: weight_list) 
                                                  (days: nat{days > 0})
                                                  (min_cap: nat{min_cap >= min_bound weights})
                                                  (max_cap: nat{max_cap >= min_cap})
  : Lemma 
    (requires min_bound_invariant weights min_cap days /\ 
              max_bound_invariant weights max_cap days)
    (ensures (days_to_ship weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap)) <= days /\
             is_minimal weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap) days)
    (decreases max_cap - min_cap)
  if min_cap = max_cap then
     admit ()

Notice the new requires component of the Lemma type. The requires and ensures clauses of Lemma are preconditions and postconditions respectively. Our strategy is to require that our 2 invariants hold at each call to lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days. Then, it is obvious that the postconditions hold. Indeed: Notice that F* automatically finds a proof when min_cap = max_cap. On the other hand, we use admit () in the else branch. F* programs that contain admit () aren’t proofs at all - admit () forces F* to accept the current goals as true (even if it they are false). However, it’s invaluable when building proofs.

Let’s zoom in further by applying the definition of ship_within_days in the else branch:

// Error
let rec lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days (weights: weight_list) 
                                                  (days: nat{days > 0})
                                                  (min_cap: nat{min_cap >= min_bound weights})
                                                  (max_cap: nat{max_cap >= min_cap})
  : Lemma 
    (requires min_bound_invariant weights min_cap days /\ 
              max_bound_invariant weights max_cap days)
    (ensures (days_to_ship weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap)) <= days /\
             is_minimal weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap) days)
    (decreases max_cap - min_cap)
  if min_cap = max_cap then
    let middle_cap = (min_cap + max_cap) / 2 in
    let total_days = days_to_ship weights middle_cap in
    if total_days > days then (
       lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days weights days (middle_cap + 1) max_cap
    ) else (
        admit ()

Unfortunately, verification fails at this point:

(Error 19) assertion failed; The SMT solver could not prove the query. Use --query_stats for more details.

Frankly, this error message is pretty awful. Hopefully, it is clear that if lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days can be applied in the body of if total_days > days then postcondition holds. This should lead us to suspect that the problem is that F* cannot prove the preconditions of lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days holds at this point. Let’s add a temporary assert statement to check on the precondition:

// Error
let rec lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days (weights: weight_list) 
                                                  (days: nat{days > 0})
                                                  (min_cap: nat{min_cap >= min_bound weights})
                                                  (max_cap: nat{max_cap >= min_cap})
  : Lemma 
    (requires min_bound_invariant weights min_cap days /\ 
              max_bound_invariant weights max_cap days)
    (ensures (days_to_ship weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap)) <= days /\
             is_minimal weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap) days)
    (decreases max_cap - min_cap)
  if min_cap = max_cap then
    let middle_cap = (min_cap + max_cap) / 2 in
    let total_days = days_to_ship weights middle_cap in
    if total_days > days then (
       assert (min_bound_invariant weights (middle_cap + 1) days);
       lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days weights days (middle_cap + 1) max_cap
    ) else (
        admit ()

F* still prints an assertion failed error, but now it points to the line checking the precondition. So, we know that the problem is that F* cannot prove min_bound_invariant on (middle_cap + 1). We know that maximum_bound_invariant must continue to hold.

Observe that min_bound_invariant holds because days_to_ship is decreasing: If we decrease the capacity, we will increase the days to ship, and the condition if total_days > days already has proven that we cannot ship at the capacity middle_cap. We just need to show F* these facts are true:

let rec lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing'' (weights: weight_list) 
                                           (cap: nat{cap >= (max_elt weights)})
                                           (ccap: nat{ccap <= cap})
                                           (ccap1: nat{ccap1 > ccap /\ ccap1 <= cap + 1})
  : Lemma (ensures days_to_ship' weights (cap + 1) ccap1 <= (days_to_ship' weights cap ccap))
  match weights with
    | [w] -> ()
    | x::xs -> 
      if x <= ccap && x <= ccap1 then
        lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing'' xs cap (ccap - x) (ccap1 - x)
      else if x > ccap && x <= ccap1 then
        lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing' xs cap cap (ccap1 - x)
      else if x > ccap && x >= ccap1 then
        lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing'' xs cap cap (cap + 1)

and lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing' (weights: weight_list) 
                                      (cap: nat{cap >= (max_elt weights)})
                                      (ccap: nat{ccap <= cap})
                                      (ccap1: nat{ccap1 <= cap + 1})
  : Lemma (ensures days_to_ship' weights (cap + 1) ccap1 <= 1 + (days_to_ship' weights cap ccap))
  match weights with
    | [w] -> ()
    | x::xs ->
      if x <= ccap && x <= ccap1 then
        lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing' xs cap (ccap - x) (ccap1 - x)
      else if x > ccap && x > ccap1 then
        lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing' xs cap cap (cap + 1)
      else if x > ccap && x <= ccap1 then
        lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing' xs cap cap (ccap1 - x)
        // I.e., x <= ccap && x > ccap1
        lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing'' xs cap (ccap - x) (cap + 1)

let lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing (weights: weight_list) 
                                     (cap: nat{cap >= (max_elt weights)})
                                     (c_cap: nat{c_cap <= cap})
  : Lemma (ensures days_to_ship' weights (cap + 1) (c_cap + 1) <= days_to_ship' weights cap c_cap)
  lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing'' weights cap c_cap (c_cap + 1)

Despite the coinductive proof, this is a simple argument. The theorem that we are primarily interested in is lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing''. This follows from induction. There is a wrinkle, though: In the else if x > ccap && x <= ccap1 branch. In this case, the preconditions of lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing'' are no longer met. So, we use coinduction to show that days_to_ship' weights (cap + 1) ccap1 <= 1 + (days_to_ship' weights cap ccap). Then, since days_to_ship weights cap ccap = 1 + days_to_ship xs cap cap, F* is automatically able to cancel the 1s and prove our theorem. A similar argument applies to lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing'.

But even armed with this theorem, F* still can’t prove the precondition. Try it. We’ll have to go even further:

let lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing_full (weights: weight_list) (cap: nat{cap >= (max_elt weights)})
  : Lemma (ensures days_to_ship weights (cap + 1) <= days_to_ship weights cap)
  lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing weights cap cap

let rec lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing2 (weights: weight_list) (c: nat{c >= min_bound weights})
  : Lemma (ensures (forall (x : nat) . x >= min_bound weights /\ x < c ==> 
                      days_to_ship weights x >= days_to_ship weights c))
  = if c > min_bound weights then (
       lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing_full weights (c -1);
       lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing2 weights (c - 1)

let rec lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days (weights: weight_list) 
                                                  (days: nat{days > 0})
                                                  (min_cap: nat{min_cap >= min_bound weights})
                                                  (max_cap: nat{max_cap >= min_cap})
  : Lemma 
    (requires min_bound_invariant weights min_cap days /\ 
              max_bound_invariant weights max_cap days)
    (ensures (days_to_ship weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap)) <= days /\
             is_minimal weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap) days)
    (decreases max_cap - min_cap)
  if min_cap = max_cap then
    let middle_cap = (min_cap + max_cap) / 2 in
    let total_days = days_to_ship weights middle_cap in
    if total_days > days then (
       lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing2 weights middle_cap;
       lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days weights days (middle_cap + 1) max_cap
    ) else (
        admit ()

As you might guess, F* has a similar problem with the max_bound_invariant. The problem is that the invariant requires all capacities greater than max_cap to ship in less than or equal to days, but our decreasing lemma only applies to max_cap + 1. Our proof strategy is to use induction to extend our original decreasing lemma to show $\forall k : \mathbb{N} . days\_to\_ship~ weights~ (capacity + k) <= days\_to\_ship~ weights~ capacity$. This argument convinces F*:

let rec lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing3'' (w: weight_list) (c : nat{c >= min_bound w}) (k: nat)
  : Lemma (ensures days_to_ship w (c + k) <= days_to_ship w c)
  if k = 0 then ()
  else (
    lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing_full w (c + k - 1);
    lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing3'' w c (k - 1)

let lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing3' (w: weight_list) (c : nat{c >= min_bound w})
  : Lemma (ensures forall (k : nat) . days_to_ship w (c + k) <= days_to_ship w c)
  assert (forall (w: weight_list) (c: nat{c >= min_bound w}) (k : nat) . 
            days_to_ship w (c + k) <= days_to_ship w c)
  by (
    let w = forall_intros () in
    mapply (`lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing3'' )

let lemma_add_definition (c:nat)
  : Lemma (ensures (forall (x : nat) . x >= c ==> (exists (k : nat) . x = k + c)))
  assert (forall (x : nat) . x >= c ==> x - c >= 0 /\ x - c + c = x)

let lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing3 (weights: weight_list) (c: nat{c >= min_bound weights})
  : Lemma (ensures forall (x : nat) . x >= c ==> days_to_ship weights x <= days_to_ship weights c)
    lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing3' weights c;
    lemma_add_definition c

let rec lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days (weights: weight_list) 
                                                  (days: nat{days > 0})
                                                  (min_cap: nat{min_cap >= min_bound weights})
                                                  (max_cap: nat{max_cap >= min_cap})
  : Lemma 
    (requires min_bound_invariant weights min_cap days /\ 
              max_bound_invariant weights max_cap days)
    (ensures (days_to_ship weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap)) <= days /\
             is_minimal weights (ship_within_days' weights days min_cap max_cap) days)
    (decreases max_cap - min_cap)
  if min_cap = max_cap then
    let middle_cap = (min_cap + max_cap) / 2 in
    let total_days = days_to_ship weights middle_cap in
    if total_days > days then (
       lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing2 weights middle_cap;
       lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days weights days (middle_cap + 1) max_cap
    ) else (
      lemma_days_to_ship_is_decreasing3 weights middle_cap;
      lemma_ship_within_days'_ships_within_days weights days min_cap middle_cap

As an exercise: It is up to the reader to demonstrate that the min_bound_invariant and max_bound_invariant hold under the initial conditions set by ship_within_days.


The Good

F* has an amazing Emacs mode. It uses unicode symbols to make identifiers like forall and exists render as the appropriate logic symbols. It also allows you to verify code as you work inside of Emacs itself. Finally, it provides error squiggles.

F* can automatically find many proofs, more so than similar tools that I’ve experimented with (e.g., Coq and Isabelle). In that sense, F* seems easier to adopt than more mainstream tools.

The Bad

Error messages are bad. From my experience using Z3, this is because Z3 does not generate very good unsatisfiable cores. To expand: You provide Z3 a bunch of logical formulae. Z3 attempts to find an interpretation (i.e., a mapping of variables to values) that satisfies the formulae. When Z3 definitely cannot find an interpretation, the formulae are unsatisfiable. For the sake of error reporting, you might be interested in why formulae are unsatisfiable. What is the smallest number of formulae you can remove from the solver that makes the others satisfiable?

Unfortunately, things are not so simple for several reasons:

  1. Z3 slows down when you enable the generation of unsatisfiable cores.
  2. The unsatisfiable cores that Z3 generates are not minimal.
  3. Just because a formula appears in a minimal unsatisfiable core does not mean that it necessarily is relevant to the fix.

Meanwhile, tools that use Z3 have to somehow manage the relationship between Z3 variables and their own semantic domain. This adds to the challenge of making good error messages with Z3.

The Ugly

Z3 is sensitive to a lot more than you may expect. A common idiom in F* is to test if adding a lemma helps you with a proof, like so:

let lemma_a (x: unit) : Lemma (ensures some_formula) = 
    admit ()

let lemma_b (x: unit) : Lemma (ensures some_formula) = 
    // Other lemmas not shown.
    lemma_a ();

Here, lemma_b uses lemma_a in its proof. Now, assume that Z3 is able to find a proof of lemma_b. So, we proceed to prove lemma_a. Very rarely, I have noticed that changing the proof of lemma_a causes Z3 to no longer be able to prove lemma_b. Obviously, this is surprising because the lemma_b does not logically depend on the specific proof of lemma_a.

Documentation and examples are also lacking. There are not a lot of high quality educational resources available today.


I found F* to be immensely usable. While error messages are not the best, this is really a limitation of the underlying SMT solver. From experience, Z3’s unsatisfiable cores are complex to handle. And moving back and forth from the high level language F* provides and SMT is challenging. But this definitely an area that needs improvement.

The ecosystem of F* is young. The resources I’ve used are:

  • The source code on GitHub. The standard library is not really documented today. But, due to the presence of preconditions/postconditions, the source is quite readable. I have learned to make it a habit to consult the source code for lemmas, like FStar.List.Tot.Properties.fold_left_monoid.
  • The F* tutorial contains some decent examples.
  • Read the papers. It’s okay to not understand everything – learn what you can, save the paper, and eventually you’ll come back to and things will make more sense.
  • The book “Certified Programming with Dependent Types.”
  • The book “Types and Programming Languages” provides good background PL theory.
  • The book “The Little Typer” provides a good background on dependent types.

I hope that this post has inspired you to give F* a try.